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How to migrate a VPS from cPanel to DirectAdmin

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This Guide will cover the steps to migrate from cPanel to Direct Admin, and applies to both VPS and Dedicated Server.

  1. In order to follow this guide, you will need to have ssh root access to both the source (cPanel) and the destination (Directadmin) servers.

  2. Login to the source server using ssh.

    Create a backup of all cPanel accounts on cPanel server and place them to /home/all_backups (make sure you have enough of space for them)

    mkdir -p /home/all_backups
    for user in `ls /var/cpanel/users/`; do { /scripts/pkgacct ${user} /home/all_backups; }; done
  3. Copy the backup files to the Direct Admin Server

    rsync -avP  /home/all_backups/ root@your_directadmin_server:/home/admin/all_backups/

    We're done with cPanel server now. You may connect to DirectAdmin server now for the remaining steps

  4. Now that you have the cpmove-(name).tar.gz files present in the /home/admin/all_backups folder, login to the Direct admin control panel and navigate to > Admin Tools > Admin Backup/Transfer.

    Open Restore Backup > Make sure the path is correct and Proceed (Next Step)


    Step 2, Select Use the IP > From the list and select an IP that is bound to your Direct Admin Server.


    Step 3, Select the Backup file you wish to import and which "reseller" you want this imported too and proceed.


    You can monitor the process in the GUI or using the terminal, the process can take some time depending on the size of the backup and the speed of the storage.






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