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How to set up WireGuard VPN Client on Android or iOS (iPhone)

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Android Phone

  1. Download the WireGuard APP in Google Play.


  1. Open the WireGuard APP, tap on the "+" icon at the bottom right corner.

A white dragon in a pink square  Description automatically generated

  1. Import the WireGuard configuration either by scanning the server's QR code or importing the server's configuration file, then type a tunnel name, click on "Save."

A white dragon logo on a gray background  Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a login box  Description automatically generated

  1. Once the WireGuard configuration is imported, enable it to connect to the WireGuard VPN server.

A white surface with black dots  Description automatically generated

  1. Click on the profile, you can check the detail. If there are transfer data and latest handshake, the VPN connection is established successfully.

A screenshot of a phone  Description automatically generated



iPhone (iOS)

  1. Install Wireguard APP, go to the App Store on your iPhone. Search for "WireGuard" and download the WireGuard app,

A screenshot of a phone  Description automatically generated

  1. Open the WireGuard app on your iPhone.Tap on the Add a tunnel to add a new configuration.

A white rectangular sign with blue text  Description automatically generated

  1. Choose "Create from QR code" to scan the QR code provided by your WireGuard server administrator, or choose "Create from file or archive" to import the WireGuard configuration file if you have it saved on your device.

A screenshot of a phone  Description automatically generated

  1. Once the configuration is imported, it will appear in the WireGuard app. Please click on the bottom to enable it and establish a connection to the WireGuard VPN server.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

  1. If there are Data received andData Sent,it means the Wireguard VPN connection is established.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated


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