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Guide: Setting Up 3CX on Linux VPS with Rackzar Hosting

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Step-by-step Guide: Setting Up 3CX on Linux VPS with Rackzar Hosting

Step 1

Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Rackzar Client Area login page:

Enter your credentials, including your username ( email address) and password, in the designated fields.

Click on the "Login" button to proceed.


Step 2.

After successfully logging in to your account and accessing the My Dashboard page, proceed with the following steps to locate the Store option.

On the left-hand side menu of the My Dashboard page, locate and click on the "Store" option.

By selecting the "Store" option, you'll be directed to the corresponding section where you can explore and manage various services and offerings available within the Rackzar platform



Step 3

Within the Store section, follow these steps to select the Linux VPS option:

Navigate to the relevant category or menu that lists available services.

Look for and click on the "Linux VPS" option.




Step 4

Once you are in the Linux VPS section, proceed to select the specific package that best suits your requirements from the Product menu.

Explore the Product menu to view the available Linux VPS packages.

Choose the package that aligns with your preferences and requirements.


Step 5

As you proceed with your order, navigate to the "Product Billing Cycle" section to determine the billing frequency. Choose from the following options:

  • Monthly: Pay on a month-to-month basis.

  • Quarterly: Opt for a billing cycle every three months.

  • Semi-Annually: Select a billing cycle every six months.

  • Annually: Choose an annual billing cycle. Note that by selecting the annual option, you qualify for a 10% discount on the total cost.

Select the billing cycle that aligns with your preferences and budget considerations.
If you opt for the annual billing cycle, enjoy the added benefit of a 10% discount on your chosen Linux VPS package.



Step 6

In the Linux Distro (Distribution) section, follow these steps to select the preferred option.

Locate the Linux Distro option within the configuration settings.

From the available options, choose "3CX"

By selecting 3CX as the Linux distribution, you ensure compatibility and optimized performance for your desired configuration.
This step aligns the Linux environment with the specific requirements of the 3CX software


Step 7

In the Deployment Action section, follow these steps to set up your Linux VPS quickly.

Navigate to the Deployment Action menu.

Choose "Fast Deploy" from the available options.

Selecting "Fast Deploy" expedites the deployment process, enabling a swift and efficient setup for your Linux VPS.
This option is ideal for users seeking a rapid activation of their services.



Step 8

In the "Amount of RAM" section, customize your Linux VPS by selecting the preferred amount of RAM. Follow these steps.

Locate the "Amount of RAM" configuration setting.

Choose the desired RAM allocation based on your performance requirements and preferences.

By selecting the appropriate amount of RAM, you can tailor the performance of your Linux VPS to meet your specific needs.
Adjust the RAM according to your application demands and anticipated workload.



Step 9.

In the "VPS Backups" section, customize your backup settings by selecting the preferred number of backup slots.

Find the "VPS Backups" configuration option.

Choose the number of backup slots that best suits your backup strategy and data retention needs.

Selecting your preferred number of backup slots ensures that your data is regularly and securely backed up, providing you with flexibility and protection against unforeseen issues.
Tailor your backup configuration to align with your specific requirements.


Step 10

In the "Datacentre" configuration, select the geographical location for your Linux VPS. Follow these steps.

Locate the "Datacentre" option within the configuration settings

Choose either "Cape Town" or "Johannesburg" based on your preferred geographical location.

Selecting the appropriate datacentre location helps optimize performance and latency for your Linux VPS, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience.
Consider factors such as proximity and network connectivity when making your selection.


Step 11

In the "Additional Settings" section, customize your Linux VPS by providing the necessary information.

Follow these steps:

Enter your desired VPS Root Password in the designated field.

Specify your VPS Hostname by entering the relevant information


Step 12

To access your Linux VPS, follow these steps.

Open your preferred SSH (Secure Shell) application.

Enter the provided Hostname or IP address in the appropriate field.

Establishing an SSH connection allows you to interact with your Linux VPS securely.
Use the provided Hostname or IP address to initiate the connection


Step 13

After logging in to your SSH application, proceed with the following steps.

Enter your VPS Root Username and VPS Root Password when prompted.

Upon successful login, execute the following command line - /usr/sbin/3cxWizard --cleanup

Executing this command initiates the 3CX configuration process, ensuring proper setup and optimization for your Linux VPS.

This step is crucial for initializing the 3CX system and preparing it for further customization based on your specific requirements


Step 14

After executing the /usr/sbin/3cxWizard --cleanup command, the tool will prompt you to select how to run it.

Follow these steps:

The tool will present you with options. Choose option (1) to run the tool using the web browser.

Once selected, the tool will provide a URL. Copy and paste this URL into your web browser's address bar

By launching the provided URL in your web browser, you will gain access to the 3CX configuration tool through a user-friendly interface, facilitating the setup and customization of your 3CX system


Step 15

After entering the provided URL in your web browser, you will be directed to the 3CX configuration interface.

Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your 3CX installation.

This typically involves setting up preferences, defining extensions, and configuring other essential parameters.

Complete the configuration process according to your specific requirements and business needs.

Configuring your 3CX installation through the web interface allows you to tailor the settings and options to suit your communication needs.

Ensure that you carefully follow the prompts to achieve a successful and customized 3CX setup.


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