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Configuring your Mikrotik as a WireGuard VPN Client

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Follow the steps set out below to setup a VPN connection using Wireguard from a Mikrotik Client Router.

This guide assumes you have RouterOS version 7.6 or newer.

** You will need to have a wireguard VPN profile created with your VPN provider to follow this guide. **

  1. Create a VPN user if you have not done so already from the Rackzar client zone.

  2. Select " Management VPN account " and note the details listed under the " WireGuard configuration " heading which will appear similar to the below example.


  3. Login to Mikrotik via Winbox

    Click on the menu item WireGuard In the window that opens, in the WireGuard tab, click the plus to add a new WireGuard interface.


    Copy the private key from the text configuration from the [Interface] section to the PrivateKey field in the WireGuard interface settings in Mikrotik

    Click OK to create the interface.

  4.  Create a new Wireguard Peer


    4.1 Select the peers tab.
    4.2 Click plus to add a new peer.

    Interface - Select the previously created WireGuard interface. 

    Public key - Copy the public key from the text configuration from the [Peer] section to the Public key field.

    Endpoint - Copy the server address from the text configuration from the [Peer] section to the endpoint field.

    Endpoint Port - Copy the server port from the text configuration from the [Peer] section to the Endpoint Port field.

    Allowed Address - Copy AllowedIPs from the text configuration from the [Peer] section to the Allowed Address field.

    Persistent Keepalive - Copy the PersistentKeepalive from the text configuration from the [Peer] section to the Persistent Keepalive field.

    Click OK to create a peer

  5. The final setup is to create the IP address that will be used for the Wireguard Tunnel.

    Select IP from the Menu then "Address"

    Addresses - Copy the Address from the text configuration from the [Interface] section to the Address field

     - Select the previously created WireGuard interface 

    Press the OK button to confirm


  6. At this point your Wireguard VPN should be connected however you will still need to add a static route to redirect our traffic over the VPN, in this example we are routing over the newly created Wireguard Interface.

    Select IP, Routes and Click the + Sign to add a new static route.

    Once added you can use the traceroute within the Mikrotik to test if the traffic is leaving the VPN Wireguard Interface.


  7. You have now established a Wireguard client connection using Mikrotik.

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