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Installing and Managing QEMU Guest Agent on Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS Systems

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How to Install QEMU Guest Agent on your VPS

This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing QEMU Guest Agent on Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS systems.

Additionally, it outlines the importance of the QEMU Guest Agent for VPS automation including backups.


Installing QEMU Guest Agent on Debian and Ubuntu:


  1. Update Package Repositories:

sudo apt update


 2. Install QEMU Guest Agent:


sudo apt install qemu-guest-agent


 3. Enable and Start the Service:

The service should start automatically after installation. If not, start and enable it:


sudo systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent && sudo systemctl start qemu-guest-agent


 4. Verify the Installation:

Check the service status to ensure it's running without errors:


systemctl status qemu-guest-agent



Installing QEMU Guest Agent on CentOS:

  1. Update Package Repositories:

sudo yum update


 2. Install QEMU Guest Agent:


sudo yum install qemu-guest-agent


 3. Enable and Start the Service:

Enable the service to start on boot and start it immediately:


sudo systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent && sudo systemctl start qemu-guest-agent


 4. Verify the Installation:

Check the service status to ensure it's running without errors:


systemctl status qemu-guest-agent



Important Note:

Removing the QEMU Guest Agent might result in backup disruptions. Customers planning to uninstall it should notify us through a support ticket.

To prevent any interruptions, we will need to disable backups for VMs from which the QEMU Guest Agent has been removed.

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